(1) stage cross swords,(2) phase of reading khitab record of human charity,(3) phase of listening to recordings of human charity,(4) stage to see pictures or photographs of the charitable deeds of man,(5) stages a charity timbanagn (mirzan).
After a five-phase trial was conducted Allah, Allah gave the decision to individual human beings with the fairest (jazaa '). Those who when in his world truly devoted to God would be welcome to enter the paradise full of pleasure, on the contrary those who when in his world Alla disobedience to the Almighty and a lot of sin will certainly dicampakan into hell in it filled with various kinds of punishment.
Several theories of science were reinforce the Day of Resurrection. Among these theories put forward by Sir Jame Jeinz, an astronomer and oelh Prof. Achmad Baiquini Msc. Ph.D.
A. Sir Jame Jeinz (astronom Kawakan)
These astronomers say in the book the Stars in that month journey that will approach the earth bit by bit until it threaten the safety of its proximity to Earth. At that time the day of reckoning will soon appear and the moon will split. Without doubt the split and fall months due to damage to the gravity pull between the stars, sun berbebturan with the earth or anything that we do not know and we can not imagine. Such a sign is a sign of impending doomsday.
B. Prof. Achmad Baiquini Msc. Ph.D.
Chairman of the Board of Experts Association of Muslim Intellectuals of Indonesia (ICMI), in her book Qur'an Pengatahuan Science and Technology, argued that there are several scenarios about the Hour by science.
* The first scenario describes the endless temonuklir namely hydrogen fuel in the sun. If the nuclear reaction dwindle, the sun will become cold and the earth will freeze. There is no plant that will grow and life on earth will end. The time it takes the sun to spend the fuel range of about five billion years* The second scenario describes the ending of hydrogen on earth. if hidrigentersebut out, then all living things will freeze to death like the first scenario. Perhaps for billions of years as well.* The third scenario describes the deployment of the sun. As in known, the sun is one star in our galaxy that is located closest to the earth. Evolution of the sun will follow the other bntang star that is when he has been "Off" it will shrink a little until one time when gravity is turned into heat energy and convert it into a red giant star. In this condition some of the solar system (including our Earth) will be swallowed by the sun. all living things will die on fire.
The Theory of the End (Judgement) that developed in the community:
There are various kinds of speculations and theories developed in the community lately about the final days or more commonly known as the Day of Resurrection. And a lot of movies that have been made with the theme on this final day.
In Indonesia alone, of course you know a comedy film directed and played by Dedi Mizwar and Andre Taulani entitled Apocalypse Already Close. That's just one example that any view or theory that there is, the final day or the apocalypse will come a day fixed.
It's just that to be interesting is, how it happened and when that day will come. Of course no one knows even though some scientists have been undertaking various research to find answers final day approached with the concept of this.
The religion was rather difficult for us to menalarnya but of course as a man of faith, is not good to question what is written in our scriptures.
in general, the story was different but the essence remains the same, that the earth will still be destroyed and how the earth will be destroyed, no one who knows and the question is causing a lot of theories emerged in the society.
One view of the famous lately is the notion or concept that you can see in the 2012 film that could boom some time ago that the cause of the earth were destroyed were from the core of the earth or the earth's crust.
maybe it's actually one of the theories put forward last year ever by one of the most genius man ever in the world, Albert Einstein, and based on the calculation of the disaster will occur around the year .2012
Yes, you can believe it or not, but of course the religious community there are times when you just can not believe what was described by a theory because you believe that above all there is One God who determines everything. If God willing, this minute this earth can be destroyed.
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